10 Tips for Writing for the Web for Ad Agency New Business

To fuel ad agency new business through social media, creating content is critical. According to a social media study by King Fish Media, HubSpot and Junta42, original content, both branded and expert, is by far the most employed tactic for social media. And … “businesses (agencies) that blog, get 55% more website traffic than those that […]

Be Brief for Ad Agency New Business

Abraham Lincoln speeches should be brief

If you want to reach prospective clients online your writing for email, eNewsletters, blog post, etc should contain half the word count of conventional text. People read a lot online plus the receive a lot of email. They don’t have time to read a lot of text.

The most frequent advice study of participants had for newsletter creators was to “keep it brief.”

Ad Agencies: 97 Articles on How To Write Effectively for the Social Web

To convert content to new business leads you must learn to write effectively for the web.

There is a completely different writing style for web vs print. Professional copywriters even have difficulty with the transition from print to web. I’m always searching for resources that help me to become a better writer for web, whether it is for my blog, Twitter or other social media platforms. I recently came across a post written by Robin Broitman, chief internet and social media strategist for IIG Group titled: HOW-TO: Write Effectively for Twitter & The Social Web.