Ad Agencies: What has social media done for you?

How can an agency help a client monetize their social media when they don’t have a handle on how to use it for itself? As more-and-more agencies jump on the social media band-wagon, clients are beginning to ask them, “what has social media done for you?” Gone are the days when an agency can get by “talking the talk but not walking the walk.”

A Social Media System For Ad Agencies To Get Up-to-Speed Quickly

A large percentage of ad agency principals want to know where to begin with social media marketing. There are so many options they feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to begin. Where is the best place to start? I’ve developed my own system that provides an accelerated way for agencies to get their head around social media, build a credible presence in a short period of time (60 to 90 days) that also will provide professional enrichment and at the same time provide tools for branding, new business and networking.