Facebook IS the Media for Ad Agency New Business

facebook for ad agency new business

Facebook has become an important element in our daily lives it is also important for new business.

If you aren’t sharing your content on Facebook, you’re missing out on a big opportunity. Why?

“Facebook has over a billion users, and according to a Pew study72% of American adults use it.”

Of the approximate 1.6 billion users, 30% get news from their Facebook site. That is an audience of approximately 73 million adults here in the U.S.  Compare to the largest newspaper by circulation, USA Today which has a readership of just over 4 million. The top rated cable news network, Fox News, has less than 2 million viewers a night. Facebook doesn’t just dominate the media: Facebook IS the Media.

Facebook’s reach goes beyond media. People use it primarily for its social aspect. This is where most agencies are neglectful of the potential of Facebook for new business.

Social media is all about people connecting with other people. When I’m helping agency owners to integrate their personal social media accounts, particularly Facebook, into their new business program, I often get push back, especially if they’re boomers. They aren’t comfortable in this shift of blending their personal life with their work life. But, you must remember, people don’t hire agencies, they hire people. The person behind the agency.

Better than any other social media platform, Facebook provides many ways to show your personal side.

How do you grab the attention of those one billion plus Facebook users?

The key is to share personal status updates.  

Your personal and professional life: The friends and fans that follow you want more than updates that contain text, they want to know more about you. Your status updates should be a natural blend of your personal and professional life.

Here’s a quick list of the kinds of updates people want to see:

  • Share what you are experiencing, what you are doing in real time. You’ll find that updates about your personal life will receive much more interaction than other types of status updates.
  • Photos of you, your family, pets, business travel, vacations, etc.
  • Videos of your activities, inspirational or humorous videos, educational or training videos
  • Inspirational quotes or statistics
  • Post links and your comments to relevant articles written by others
  • Post links to your own content
  • Industry news and event updates
  • Wish friends a Happy Birthday or congratulate them on their anniversary, birth of a child, etc.
  • Comment  on the public updates shared by others or send them a private message
  • Share announcements and news
  • Advice
  • Entertainment

Facebook isn’t just for staying in touch with your friends and family, you will find that it is also a great tool for professional networking.

Click on the following link if you’d like to connect with me on Facebook.

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About Michael Gass

Consultant | Trainer | Author | Speaker

Since 2007, he has been pioneering the use of social media, inbound and content marketing strategies specifically for agency new business.

He is the founder of Fuel Lines Business Development, LLC, a firm which provides business development training and consulting services to advertising, digital, media and PR agencies.