Archives for April 2013

7 Steps for Fueling New Business Through Social Media

seven steps for fueling ad agency new business


Outlining a social media strategy for creating new business opportunities from inbound and content marketing quickly.

strat·e·gyA plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim.

Since I launched my consultancy using social media in 2007, social media has become main-lined into traditional marketing. But, a lot of agencies  were caught “flat-footed” when it caught fire, being fueled by the greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression. Most agencies didn’t jump into the social media arena until 2010.… Continue reading

Ad Agencies: Will 2013 Be the Year 3D Printing Goes Mainstream?

3d printing advertising agencies

3D Printing is an innovative technology that is sure to impact advertising, marketing and even agency new business. 

“A faster and cheaper alternative to traditional methods of manufacturing is making its way into the mainstream market, and it looks to be changing the way people do business—including advertising.” 3D Printing Buzz

3D printing is a process of making three-dimensional solid objects from a digital model. Objects are created by laying down successive layers of material. This is performed by a materials printer using digital technology.  … Continue reading

My 70-20-10 Twitter Formula for Ad Agency New Business

twitter for ad agency new business

A simple formula for using Twitter more effectively for new business.

I’ve been using Twitter for new business since 2007. It is the leading traffic generator for my website traffic.  One of the best helps I found when I first started using Twitter came from Angela Maiers, educator, author, blogger who leads Maier Educational Services.

Angela developed a simple Twitter Engagement Formula that provided focus and purpose for her participation. She called it the 70-20-10 Formula:

  • 70% Sharing others voices, opinions and tools. 
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I Have Lost My Most Faithful Companion

Over the past seven years I’ve primarily written content for Fuel Lines that was specifically about agency new business. Rarely have I written anything personal. I hope you will grant me this exception.

Since starting my consultancy and working from my home office, my constant companion each day has been our tiny Yorkie Terrier, Bracie. When it was time to start my work day and I headed up the stairs, she was always right by my side.… Continue reading