Archives for August 2011

Is Advertising a Respected Profession?

rodney dangerfield advertising a respected profession


A lack of respect is bad for ad agency new business. You might not be able to change the perception of our industry but you can control the perception of your agency.

Over the last decade, the advertising industry has become one of the least liked by Americans. In a recent Gallup Poll Advertising and Public Relations ranked 10th on a list of the least respected industries in the nation.

Author Tim Williams is an author and consultant, closely associated with the advertising industry.… Continue reading

Ten Toughest Content Marketing Challenges for Ad Agency New Business

toughest content marketing challenges ad agencies


Original content is by far the most difficult  and important tactic to fuel ad agency new business through social media. 

Speakers for Content Marketing World 2011, recently shared some of their biggest content marketing challenges in a pre conference Q&A orchestrated by  Content Development Director of the Content Marketing Institute. I’ve pulled some of the best challenges and insights from among these speakers.

Here are the top 10  to help with your content marketing challenges:

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Steve Jobs’s 10 Best Quotes for Advertising Agencies

Steve Jobs Advertising Agencies New Business Quotes

Steve Job’s serves as an example of doing agency new business the right way.

Steve Jobs has stepped down as CEO of Apple.  When it comes to presenting and salesmanship, there’s no one better.

His tenure as CEO should serve as inspiration for advertising agencies that seem to still be in a state of flux in this technology driven communication’s revolution.

Below are some of the best Steve Jobs’s quotes to inspire us to think differently and  up our game through innovation, collaboration: 

  1. “The cure for Apple is not cost-cutting.
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How McKinney achieved one of the best new-business records among advertising agencies

Innovation and collaboration, two keys to ad agency new business.

McKinney is an independent advertising agency based in Durham, North Carolina. It was founded in 1969 by Charles “Chick” McKinney, the agency is now independently owned by a management team led by Brad Brinegar, CEO.  It has been recognized as one of the nine best agencies in the country by Advertising Age

In 2003, McKinney became one of the first agencies to pioneer connection planning, which determines the most innovative and creative ways of bringing brands and people together in mutually beneficial ways – ADWEEK

In that same year, McKinney hired a group of interactive experts and injected them into the agency’s existing disciplines.

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Ad Age: Top 10 Best Places to Work in Marketing and Media

A great work environment is a big plus for ad agency new business.

Ad Age recently released the results of the best places to work in marketing and media. Any advertising agency, media owner or marketer with more than 50 full-time employees was eligible to enter.  Rankings were determined through the use of employer and employee surveys with 150 companies participating and just under 12,000 employee responses. Boston ad agencies dominated the top spots in this years rankings.… Continue reading

Ad Agency Compensation: The biggest frustration of CMOs

For small to mid-size ad agencies, it’s time to address the cost of creating advertising in terms of time and money. 

All our clients want to know is this – Can your agency solve my  problems quickly and at less cost?

Advertising agencies aren’t changing of their own accord, they are being changed. We’ve seen digital technology bring about fundamental change to the news industry, then the music industry. Now seismic change is being forced upon the advertising industry.

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Ad Agencies Should KISS for New Business

The K.I.S.S. principle, “keep it simple stupid” is a great maxim to remember when developing a new business program for small to mid-size ad agencies, digital shops and PR firms.

This principle has been a key to success in my years working with new business within an agency environment.

When it comes to new business, consistency trumps perfection. Ad Agencies, the cobbler’s children who have no shoes, are very inconsistent, primarily because they tend to over-think and over-create anything associated with the agency’s brand.… Continue reading

The Challenges of Jumping from a Creative Shop to a Digital One

Kristina Slade

What are you doing to prepare your agency for the digital revolution?

Digital training is critical for the traditional small-to midsize advertising agencies. The strategic partnerships with digital shops have all gone by the wayside, mainly because digital agencies don’t need them any longer.

To quote Aaron Reitkopf, North American CEO of digital agency Profero, “There’s never been a better time to be in advertising, and there’s never been a worse time.” 

Advertising agencies aren’t changing of their own accord, they are being changed.… Continue reading

9 Ways to Stay Focused on Ad Agency New Business

focus for ad agency new business

It is hard to stay focused and productive with so many workplace distractions such as laptops, smartphones, tablets and social media.

The new business director has to be like the rudder of a ship when it comes to new business and keep it consistently focused on new business.

I have been working in ad agency new business almost my entire advertising career. I’m   organized and disciplined but I’m  still constantly learning new techniques that lessen distractions and increase my productivity. 

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Social Media: 10 Idea Starters to Keep Fresh Content Churning


Content creation is an important part of social media success for ad agency new business, but it is also difficult to maintain without a little help.

I’m going on my 5th year of creating content for my blog. I’ve found that my reading always seems to help fuel my writing and inspire ideas.

So first and foremost, establish a focused reading program that is centered around a specific target audience. When you do, finding resources and developing content becomes mush easier because it is focused.… Continue reading