Ad Agency Tour As a New Business Tactic

It amazes me that many agencies don’t take better advantage when prospective clients visit their office. Most have no strategy for a tour of the agency. I think they miss a great opportunity to tell their agency story in the most impressive way.

Below are some “simplistic” ideas to make the most of your next agency tour. Create your own “check-list” of things to do before your next agency tour.

  1. Develop a written plan. Keep it brief and to the point. What are the “take-aways” you want your guests to leave with? What creative will be displayed. Write out your agency story and prep those who will be leading the tours.
  2. Oversize agency’s creative work mounted on gator-board is relatively inexpensive and allows for easy interchangeable displays. This will allow you to showcase your agency’s best work throughout your agency and provide an opportunity to share these case studies as you lead your prospective clients through the tour.
  3. Use your facility to introduce the uniqueness of your agency’s culture.
  4. Demonstrate your agency’s creative processes. Prospective clients enjoy seeing the development of an initial idea into a successful campaign. Be sure and keep all the rough drafts along with the finished campaign.
  5. Use television monitors throughout your building’s hallways that display your agency’s broadcast work.
  6. Prominently display your agency’s mantra.
  7. Introduce the key players.
  8. Showcase your agency’s awards.
  9. Display client logos.
  10. Create a personalized welcome sign for your agency guests. Hey, if it’s not part of the plan more than likely it wont get done. Pay attention to the small details.

Remember that it is difficult to overcome a negative first impression.

About Michael Gass

Consultant | Trainer | Author | Speaker

Since 2007, he has been pioneering the use of social media, inbound and content marketing strategies specifically for agency new business.

He is the founder of Fuel Lines Business Development, LLC, a firm which provides business development training and consulting services to advertising, digital, media and PR agencies.


  1. Excellent post. A little old school black board with a personalized note by the entrance to welcome guests by name – showing that their visit wasn’t just an item on a to-do list – could score some serious style points.

    Great ideas.

  2. Excellent article.

    You are so right about how easy it is to make a first impression during a site visit.

  3. Great post, however, I would somewhat disagree with #8, showcasing awards. I think clients today want to see ROI case studies and less creative awards.