Milestones Reached for Ad Agency New Business

This past month marked a few milestones for me. First, November was my first year anniversary for Michael Gass Consulting. It has been a year beyond my wildest dreams. Secondly, I’ve written and published my 200th post for FUEL LINES.

I have to agree with business guru, Tom Peters, nothing in the last decade of my professional life has positively impacted me more than blogging.

Top 25 Reasons Why Ad Agencies Should Start a Blog

Within weeks of celebrating my first year of having my own blog I totally agree with marketing guru, Tom Peters. Blogging has changed my life and has become the best marketing tool I have ever used. That being said, here are my top 25 reasons why ad agencies should consider blogging.

Ad Agencies: To Use Social Media Motive Matters

Your motivation matters in agency new business, especially when using social marketing to promote your agency.