Why are ad agency new business executives performing so badly?

Rainmakers who were good at new business in the past are struggling today. According to a recent Agency-Marketer Business Report from RSW/US, the tenure of a new business director is 2 years or less. Only 26% of new business directors were viewed as successful. Why? I’ve worked face-to-face with more than 200 advertising, digital, media and […]

Quote: May your life someday be as awesome …

quote: may your day one day be as awsome as you pretend it is on Facebook

Are we who we pretend to be on social media? My wife and I were shopping at a local antique consignment shop over the weekend and came across this sign,“May your life someday be as awesome as you pretend it is on Facebook.” I had to laugh and took this picture to share, where else […]

Writing Builds Discipline and Confidence for Ad Agency New Business

content marketing benefits of writing Michael Gass

  photo credit: (michelle) via photopin cc

28 Stimulating Digital and Social Media Marketing Quotes

inspirational digital and social media quotes

Write something memorable that stands out and provides inspiration to others. I’m reading constantly and often find and keep the most memorable quotes from my daily reading. Here’s a collection that I thought would be of interest as they relate specifically to digital and social media marketing. I hope you find inspiration to spark for […]