Shift in Advertising Spending: Be Prepared to Follow the Money

According to a recent eMarketer article, “Some Advertising Shines in Dark Times” nearly all media sectors will experience advertising spending declines in 2009.

“Hardest hit will be traditional media such as newspapers, radio, magazines and TV, each falling by 14% or more.”

8 Benefits of Social Media for Small-to Midsize Ad Agencies

I arrived in Atlanta last night and had some time to catch up with my good friend, Scott Nelson, Nelson Creative. Scott and I spent the evening together talking mostly about social media and its impact upon our industry. Scott is a believer.

I’m prepping this morning for a “Fueling Ad Agency New Business Through Social Media” workshop for Catapult New Business and THE LIST.

Using Video to Promote Your Ad Agency

Any small and midsize ad agency can use simple, inexpensive online videos for promotion. Videos build relationships and can be very persuasive. You can create individual videos that stand alone to post on your agency’s Website or blog.