Why ad agencies should learn about Springpad

Springpad re-imagines how sharing and discovery should work. If you are a regular reader of Fuel Lines, you know that I am a big fan of Edward Boches, Chief Innovation Officer (formerly Chief Creative Officer and Chief Social Media Officer) at Mullen. Edward was among the few creatives to understand the importance of social media as […]

Vacationing for Ad Agency New Business

Hopefully my personal experience can provide you with some ideas for you can keep your social media | new business program churning even while on vacation. As I was preparing to write this post, I noticed that Edward Boches, Mullen’s Chief Creative Office,  had disconnected for a short period from his social media activity and […]

ADWEEK.COM: All 61 Ads from Super Bowl 2011 in 2 Minutes

ADWEEK and the Mullen agency create excellent awareness for themselves through the Super Bowl and their use of social media. ADWEEK’s video generated over 60,000 views in 1.5 days. There were over 47,000 Tweets that used #brandbowl hashtag and over 18,000 people who visited their site during game night. Not bad exposure for Mullen. In […]

16 of the Top Quotes from Fast Company’s The Future of Advertising

As author Clay Shirky has said, “It is the people who figure out how to work simply in the present, rather than the people who mastered the complexities of the past, who get to say what happens in the future.” One of the richest and most important articles I’ve read this year was Fast Company’s,”The Future of Advertising.”

Forrester and Edward Boches: The Future of Advertising and Agency New Business

The following is a rich resource if you want to know where advertising agencies are headed and the future for agency new business practices. We’re in the midst of a revolutionary period unlike anything we have ever seen. It’s predicted that more change will come to the advertising industry within the next five years than we have seen in the previous fifty.

Ad Agency Draw 63,000+ Twitter Users for BrandBowl 2010

Mullen, and Radian6, a leader in social media measurement, created BrandBowl2010, a Twitter/Super Bowl experience that combined tweeting, ad reviews and a host of metrics to let viewers generate and view real time ratings of the TV commercials that ran on the big game.

Edward Boches: 5 questions every CMO should ask a prospective ad agency

edward boches social media cmos

Edward recently recently wrote a great piece for his blog Creativity Unbound, “Five questions every CMO should ask a prospective ad agency.” He points out that most RFIs (request for information) sent to agencies are asking about an agency’s past. But he states,”… you’re not hiring an agency’s past, you’re hiring its future.

Ad Agencies: Are focus groups dead?

dward Boches, CCO at Mullen, in a recent article raises this question, Are focus groups really necessary at all? With all of the alternatives that are available through social media focus groups seem to be a costly practice that now looks absurd. He describes a typical focus group familiar to us all.

Edward Boches, CCO for the Mullen Agency: What Twitter Can Do For You

Edward Boches writes an excellent article on what Twitter has done for him as Chief Creative Officer for the Mullen agency.

Social Media. It’s Time for Ad Agencies to Be Creative

An Ad Agency Chief Creative Officer That Gets Social Media. I was recently introduced to Edward Boches through Twitter. He sent me a nice complimentary direct message which mentioned that he was at the Mullen agency. I had gone up against Mullen on a number of occasions in new business pitches so I thought I would check out his Twitter profile. I was impressed to learned that Edward is the Chief Creative Officer for Mullen (There aren’t a lot of creative directors that I’m aware of involved with social media).