Ad Agency New Business Talent Becoming Harder to Come By

ad agency new business talent

A lot of people who led new business programs in the past who don’t know how to do it now. The job of ad agency new business directors is becoming very difficult and complex. A significant paradigm shift is taking place that impacts how ad agencies acquire new business and the knowledge and skills agency new business rainmakers need to make it happen:

Through Social Media an Ad Agency Drives a Stake in the Ground

Small-to mid-size ad agencies should do for themselves what they do for their clients: develop a clear positioning that builds on the agency’s distinctive strengths, differentiates the agency from its competitors, and makes the agency powerfully appealing to prospective clients.

Social Media and the Changing Role of Ad Agency Rainmakers

changing roles of agency rainmakers

I read an interesting ADWEEK article yesterday regarding the “Changing Role of Rainmakers”. Suffice to say that if there has been a major shift in the paradigm for how new business is acquired it would also impact the role for those with the responsibility for business development.

Agency New Business Impacted by The Perfect Storm

the perfect storm

My observations, from the front line trenches, is that we are in the midst of a “perfect storm.” There are dramatic changes occurring for the way small and midsize ad agencies acquire new business.

With the acceptance and growth of new media plus a downturn in the economy, there has been an acceleration of a paradigm shift that has been developing for agency new business development.