Defining Social Media for Ad Agency New Business

It’s going to be hard to “sell” social media if you can’t “define it.”

All you need to break into a cold sweat is for one prospective client asking for you for a definition of social media. After you babble on for some 20 minutes or more trying your best to provide an answer, you’ll lose all credibility. So be prepared.

Ad Agency CEOs Are Going Back to School for New Business

This post is written primarily for ad agency CEOs. I already had great empathy for the pressures you were under, but now you are being swamped with more pressure from the current economic crisis and the tsunami impact social media is having upon the advertising industry.

Ad agencies should rise to the challenges of this new social media era

Brian Solis, Principal of FutureWork, an award winning PR and New Media agency is one of those emerging new leaders. Encouraging his industry to arise to the challenges of this new era. Brian recently wrote,

“Media is experiencing a textbook Darwinian definition of survival of the fittest … Media will re-emerge as a more dynamic, nimble, and innovative medium.

The New Era of Socialized Media, Relationships are the New Currency

Brian Solis, “Media is experiencing a textbook Darwinian definition of survival of the fittest … Media will re-emerge as a more dynamic, nimble, and innovative medium. In the era of Socialized Media, relationships are the new currency and participation and collaboration are emerging as the new information exchange.

A Revolutionary Time for Ad Agency New Business

History is in the making with the socialization of media and information. This is our Industrial Revolution. A Communications Revolution. This revolution is already impacting agency new business practices.