25 Tips for Generating Traffic to Your Ad Agency’s Blog

blog traffic for ad agency new business

Your ad agency’s blog should be a central component to your social media strategy for new business. It is the site that you want to bring your prospective client audience to, the gateway and face of your agency.

“Build it and they will come,” is not the answer to generate traffic to your agency’s blog. You must employ proactive tactics to create awareness and interest among prospective clients. The more traffic that you can generate, from among your target audience, the more inbound new business leads that will follow.

Comment on Other Blogs to Generate Ad Agency Traffic

To be part of the conversation, increase awareness that will in turn generate traffic to your agency’s blog. It is to your advantage to read and occasionally comment on other blogs. I recently weighed in on a discussion regarding college football’s Bowl Champion Series (BCS) recent venture into social media. An Ad Age Blog, Adages, a post titled, “BCS Enters Twitter: Beat Down Like Notre Dame in a Bowl Game.”