Ad Agencies: 5 Additional Ways to Use RSS Feeds

As an agency principal or new business director, hopefully you have already discovered that using a RSS Feed Reader such as Google Reader saves you lots of time, makes your browsing much more productive. If you are writing an agency blog and are daily researching blog post ideas and resources RSS feeds are essential.

RSS Feeds also have other beneficial uses.  provides a great list of 14 Ways to Use RSS Feeds from this list I’ve selected to Top 5 to use for your ad agency’s new business:

  1. TwitterFeed – If have an agency blog,  you can set up a separate Twitter account for it and  automatically ‘twit’ all of your new blog posts.
  2. Pingie – Get feed updates as SMS messages. This is a free service that works with any cell phone that can receive standard text message.
  3. FeedJournal – Subscribe to and convert multiple RSS feeds to a printable newspaper / newsletter. Just grab your favorite feeds, set preferred layout (i.e. 3- column) and generate a printable newspaper-style document.
  4. Wigitize – If you ever need to add some RSS feeds to your agency’s website or blog. This tool offers a quick and simple way to do that. A simple, plain widget that you can style yourself.
  5. SpokenText – Automatically convert RSS news feeds to speech and subscribe to them as podcasts (via iTunes). You can also download your recordings as an mp3 file.

Read the entire article and list 14 Ways to Use RSS Feeds

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About Michael Gass

Consultant | Trainer | Author | Speaker

Since 2007, he has been pioneering the use of social media, inbound and content marketing strategies specifically for agency new business.

He is the founder of Fuel Lines Business Development, LLC, a firm which provides business development training and consulting services to advertising, digital, media and PR agencies.


  1. Absolutely LOVE Feed Journal. Thanks for pointing this out, Michael. What a cool service!

  2. You are welcome Jeremy.