Seth Godin’s Tribes Released as Audio Book

Seth now makes Tribes available on iTunes as a three hour audio book for less than a dollar.

I’ve been sharing through my writing for FUEL LINES that our clients are not looking for partnership, they are looking for leadership. In the current Communication’s Revolution that impacts the advertising industry so dramatically, agencies aren’t leading. They are woefully behind the curve of emerging communication technology.

In his new book, Tribes, marketing guru, Seth Godin, does a masterful job of showing all of us in the advertising/marketing industry how to create and lead a following and demonstrates the care and feeding of a tribe.

Seth encourages leaders to take a proactive role in harnessing the power of their followers. A great book for agency principals.

About the book:

You know about waiting in line at an Apple store, or the look on a fellow Deadhead’s face. You know about the way it feels to go back to the church where you grew up. You know about the real power of a brand.

According to Godin, Tribes are groups of people aligned around an idea, connected to a leader and to each other. Tribes make our world work, and always have.

The new opportunity is that it’s easier than ever to find, organize, and lead a tribe. The Web has enabled an explosion of all kinds of tribes — and created shortage of people to lead them. This is the growth industry of our time.

Tribes (the book) will help you understand exactly what’s at stake, and why YOU can and should lead a tribe of your own.

About Michael Gass

Consultant | Trainer | Author | Speaker

Since 2007, he has been pioneering the use of social media, inbound and content marketing strategies specifically for agency new business.

He is the founder of Fuel Lines Business Development, LLC, a firm which provides business development training and consulting services to advertising, digital, media and PR agencies.


  1. Glad to learn about the itunes options. I’ll pick it up.