Basecamp: A Great Ad Agency New Business Tool

Basecamp for ad agency new business

Ad agency new business is like herding cats and Basecamp is one of the best cat herding tools I’ve ever used.

Bar none, Basecamp is the single most useful Web application that I have ever used to assist in developing and maintaining a consistent ad agency new business program. Even though it wasn’t specifically designed for new business, it has quickly become the best new business program management system that I have ever used.

Basecamp takes a fresh, novel approach to project collaboration by providing tools tailored to improve the communication between people working together on new business. It’s addictively easy to use. Everything about it makes sense.

When you sign up with Basecamp you get a full month to try it. You can use the free service or pay a nominal monthly fee for expanded features.

Basecamp can become your communication’s hub for your entire new business team:

  • Make to-do lists
  • Keep track of what needs to get done and who’s responsible.
  • Share files
  • Share files internally, with team members.
  • Schedule milestones
  • Track when things are due and who’s responsible.

Keep all your new business initiatives moving and on track.

About Michael Gass

Consultant | Trainer | Author | Speaker

Since 2007, he has been pioneering the use of social media, inbound and content marketing strategies specifically for agency new business.

He is the founder of Fuel Lines Business Development, LLC, a firm which provides business development training and consulting services to advertising, digital, media and PR agencies.


  1. Michael, you’re right, BC is a great and simple application. And that might be the one application you need.

    But let’s say you want then to go to the next level:

    * Manage Tasks with clear Accountability vs. Make to-do lists
    * Get Automatic Version Control + Files Share + Wikis vs. Share files
    * Share files/wikis internally and externally thru Syndication (RSS) vs. Share files internally, with team members.
    * Track the future but record the past and get a full traceability of what has been done across the board vs. Track when things are due and who’s responsible.

    How will you do that?

  2. I’ve found Basecamp is just a simple, inexpensive program for small-to midsize ad agencies to manage their new business practices. That it is so simple to use allows for consistency. It isn’t the cadillac of programs but it is a very efficient tool especially for the cost. It does have accountability as one of its primary features.

  3. Love basecamp. I’ve also used projectpier which is a free/opensource app with similar features. What I prefer about it is that you own your info, rather than hosting with basecamp. Yes, basecamp is a little prettier but there are some nice theme choices for project pier.

  4. Been using Basecamp for almost 2 years. Not only easy to use they keep it updated and clean. That would be one huge benefit over managing your own system. Upgrades are always seamless and in the background.

    Clients also have a very easy time using it which is a plus for a small studio that works with clients globally.

    I would recommend it to any small studio/agency that wants to better manage their projects.

  5. High Rise, also from 37Signals, is a nice complement to BC. It’s a simple CRM system that allows you to keep track of prospects. It also facilitates multiple users have visibility to the communication stream. Obviously it doesn’t have all the features (bloat) of something like but for a small to medium sized agency it works just fine.

  6. Saw a link to this on Twitter – I used to like Basecamp but it didn’t quite tick all of my buttons and as such when I heard about Glasscubes, I switched across to it. More intuitive, more features and cheaper. It just made sense.

  7. Just started up with basecamp to help coordinate and manage projects for Metro Edge, our young professionals organization, here in Sacramento. Our committees are all volunteers and spread out so we need an inexpensive and easy way to be better organized. Hopefully it fits the bill.

  8. Phil,

    I’ve been using Basecamp for 3 years. I love the simplicity of it and the low cost. Clients seem to like it as well.